Friday, April 3, 2009

Progress too slow

"Evidence of progress"

Despite these challenges, several states have demonstrated that the achievement gap can be reduced – if not entirely closed. For instance, according to the Education Trust:

  • Texas: Here, NAEP writing scores for eighth-grade African-Americans are equal to or higher than the writing scores of white students in seven states.
  • Virginia: This state boasts one of the nation's smallest achievement gaps between whites and Hispanics. Here, eighth-grade Hispanic students had the highest NAEP writing scores for Hispanic students in any state.
  • Department of Defense (DOD) schools: Despite high mobility, minority students in DOD schools do better on NAEP than their counterparts, yielding a smaller achievement gap. Fourth-grade white students in DOD schools outscored their African-American counterparts by an average of 17 points on the NAEP reading test – a considerably smaller gap than the national average of 32 points."

Although progress is better than nothing this results are dauting. This progress is considerably slow. Where are our teachers? Where are the parents?

1 comment:

  1. Good link and comment post.
    change dauting to daunting... ( then you can erase this comment if you would like)

    Keep it up. Check out the New York Times, and search education for some current articles to write on
