Sunday, April 19, 2009

Economy Affecting Education

The achievement gap is a result of many factors- the economy being one of them.
In this Daily New's Article Called City Struggling to find room in kindergarten for 3,000 kids-even with bigger classrooms by Rachel Monahan has left me speechless. The New York City Public School System lacks many resources but now they are pushing the maximum capacity of students per classrooms , instead of the average 21 students per classrooms we are now getting 25. The educational officials are saying that even with a max. cap. of 25 students there still might not be enough room. How awful.
What now?
Yes, the economy is effecting everyone but explain to me how our children will getting the undivided educational need they deserve to succeed in life with that many students in one classroom. Everyone of those 25 students will be learning differently. Our education is the most valuable thing we have, our children are the future these two things we need to protect.
Please tell me what you think.

Link below:

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